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Trezor Security Measures During Setup

Trezor implements several robust security measures during the setup process to ensure the safety of your assets. These measures include:

  • PIN Protection: Every time the device is connected, a unique PIN is required, which guards against unauthorized access.

  • Recovery Seed: During setup, Trezor generates a unique, 12-24 word recovery seed. This seed allows for recovery of the wallet in case the device is lost or damaged.

  • Passphrase Support: Users have the option to add an additional layer of security with a passphrase, which acts as a 13th or 25th word to the recovery seed.

  • Firmware Verification: The device checks for the authenticity of its firmware every time it is connected, protecting against malicious firmware.

  • Physical Security: The Trezor is built to be tamper-resistant, ensuring the integrity of the hardware.

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